How profitable is it to steal scrap metal

Puneet kumar, Recycled batteries, scrap metal for 6 years as an owner operator with a 5 Tn
When I usha metals scrap metal I decided I wouldn't do it unless I did it honestly. I was not going to be the stereotypical scrap hauler.
I started with an old Chevy 1 Ton and when I quit in 2010 I was a preferred customer with the biggest scrap yard on the west coast. I had a 10 ton with a crane and winch and had steady customers that I picked up from weekly.
I started my day in clean clothes, worked the same hours as most businesses and never took anything without getting permission. Any time the cops stopped me I could show them a customer list complete with contact name and numbers. My truck was properly insured and inspected and I went over the scales.
I always left the place where I picked up looking better than when I arrived. I never raped the pile for just the good steel but took the bad with the good. I would sweep or rake the area and run a magnet over it to get loose nails and screws. With some good customers I would do landscaping in exchange for their scrap. I would drop off a case of cold beers once in a while.
I never advertised and got all my customers from word of mouth because they saw how hard I worked, they never saw me stealing and I ran my company honestly.
I had business cards, my company name on the truck door.
I didn't even want wire or copper. If it needed cleaning or stripping it wasn't worth my time or effort. Give me a good load of steel any day.
Between scrap, reselling, and batteries I made well over 100,000 a year.
Best job I ever had. And I was a single woman doing it all myself. I'm pretty proud of that.

